Dr Eleni Ikoniadou is a writer, media artist and educator specialising in digital and sonic arts.


I am currently Reader in Digital Culture and Sonic Arts at the Royal College of Art and my research focuses on AI and voice. My latest project, funded by the UK EPSRC Human-Data Interaction Network Plus, is Future Chorus—a vinyl album based on a collection of laments combined with machine learning processes, featuring a compilation of sound works by electronic musicians AGF, Chino Amobi, Lafawndah & Trustfall, Harrga, and Savvas Metaxas. For this project, I co-founded MAENADS, a growing collective and platform for sonic, visual, performative and text-based projects.

At the RCA I run Fugitive Voices, a series of conversations with guest artists and theorists, such as Nina Eidsheim, Season Butler, Lee Gamble and Jenna Sutela, and I am resident host on Stegi Radio. As member of the art group AUDINT, with Steve Goodman (kode9) and Toby Heys, I co-edited the anthology Unsound: Undead (Urbanomic 2019) and produced a series of exhibitions under the same name, funded by the Arts Council of England (2018-2020). I am founder and co-editor of the Media Philosophy Series (Rowman & Littlefield) and author of the monograph The Rhythmic Event: Art, Media and the Sonic (The MIT Press 2014).

My work has been presented, performed and exhibited internationally, at media art festivals, such as CTM Berlin; Unsound Krakow; Tate Modern Lates London; Mira Festival Barcelona; Bristol New Music; Abandon Normal Devices UK, and art and cultural centres, such as the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) London; Somerset House London, Arebyte Gallery London; Spike Island Bristol, Onassis Stegi Athens. I have delivered papers and keynotes at Harvard University, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, The New Centre for Research & Practice, New York, Oxford University, Sandberg Instituut, University of Glasgow, Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts, University of Washington, among others.



Ikoniadou, E., "Microsonic sensibility: phantoms of affects to come" (2006), Yproductions Library, ed Jaron Rowan, Barcelona


A Chorus (01.06.2022), keynote for Anthropology and Kinetic Arts, University of Thessaly, Greece

Sound-Rhythm-Fiction (17.06.2016), keynote for Bau College of Design, Barcelona